MENA Sguardi e Analisi di Claudio Bertolotti

MENA Sguardi e Analisi di Claudio Bertolotti

giovedì 11 giugno 2015

MIGRAMED - Tunisi 15-18 giugno - Terrorismo, migrazione, islam, Occidente

15th - 18th June 2015
Golden Tulip Hotel, Rue de la Republique, Marsa 2078, Tunisia

Monday, 15th June
13.00 – 14.30
Lunch at the Golden Tulip Hotel  (Restaurant El Mountazah)

16.00 – 17.00 

Official opening
Welcoming by Firmin Mola Mbalo (Caritas Tunisia)

Ilario Antoniazzi, bishop of Tunis
Francesco Soddu, director of Caritas Italiana

17.00 – 19.00 
Europe -  Maghreb
The effect of the Arab spring on the European and Arab societies:
a social, historical overview

prof. Kmar Bendana (University of Tunis)
prof. Maurizio Ambrosini (University of Milan)
prof. Jean Pierre Cassarino (Schumann Institute of Florence)

moderator Oliviero Forti (Caritas Italiana)

Tuesday, 16th June

Breakfast at the Golden Tulip Hotel  (Restaurant El Mountazah)

9.00 – 9.30    
Islam and Democracy, the Tunisian experience
A breathing space by

Prof. Abderrazak Sayaddi (University of Tunis, P.I.S.A.I. Rome, G.R.I.C.)

9.30 – 10.00
From terrorism to jihadism
Definition of the threat, tracks for shared solutions
and consequences on human mobility

Claudio Bertolotti (Senior Researcher - Indipendent Strategic Analyst
Italian researcher for "5+5 Defence Initiative" for the security in the west Mediterranean area)

moderator don Marco Lai (Caritas Cagliari)

10.00 – 10.30
Coffee break

10.30 – 12.30
Round table: a dialogue between shores
Update about the crucial situation in the Mediterranean area

Oliviero Forti (Caritas Italiana)
Firmin Mola Mbalo (Caritas Tunisia)
Valerio Landri (Caritas di Agrigento)

12.30 – 13.00

13.00 – 14.30
Light lunch

15.00 – 17.30  
Middle East, North Africa and Horn of Africa
The challenges of the Caritas Network

Fr. Paul Karam (President of Caritas Lebanon)
Soufia Naffa (Caritas Jordan)
Bishop Giorgio Bertin (Bishop of Djibouti and Apostolic Administrator of Mogadishu)
Edouard Danjoy (director of Caritas Rabat-Morocco)
Fr. Cesare Baldi (director Caritas Algeria)

moderator Fr. Nicolas  Lhernould (Vicar General of Tunis)

17.30 – 18.00

Wednesday, 17th June

08.00 – 09.00
Breakfast at the Golden Tulip Hotel  (Restaurant El Mountazah)

09.00 – 13.00*
EU agenda on migration
Towards a caritas common position

Shannon Pfhoman (Caritas Europa)
George Joseph (Caritas Sweden)
Christoph Klitsch-Ott (Caritas Germany)
Nikos Voutsinos (Caritas Greece)
Cyrille De Billy (Secours Catholique)
Claire Loizides (Caritas Cyprus)
Manuela De Marco (Caritas Italiana)
Maria Segurado (Caritas Spain)

moderator Oliviero Forti (Caritas Italiana)

Salvare la vita dei migranti e gestire la sicurezza delle comuni frontiere europee a livelo europeo. A sostegno dell'iniziativa #commonborders Marco Marazzi,

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